If you’re unhappy with your smile’s aesthetics, it can be tempting to brush off the feeling. After all, if it’s not jeopardizing your oral health, then it’s not a big deal, right?
Actually, more and more research is showing the importance of self-confidence – which your teeth definitely contribute to! Dental stains and minor damage make many people afraid to show too much oral bone. They avoid photos, laughing, and sometimes even talking. Cosmetic dentistry can beautify your smile andoffer peace of mind. Keep reading to learn more about what types of problems it can solve!
Tarnished Teeth
Dental staining is one of the most common cosmetic complaints, if not the most common. If you wish your teeth were closer to pearly white than tarnished ivory, professional teeth whitening could be your shooting star. Your dentist’s whitening agents are much more effective than store-bought solutions and can brighten your smile by up to ten shades.
Multiple Surface Flaws
Some patients worry that they have too many cosmetic problems to fix. For them, porcelain veneers are a wonderfully convenient way to enhance their smile aesthetics. These thin shells are crafted from stain-resistant porcelain and are adhered to the front-facing surface of blemished teeth. They’re 100% customizable, so what you’ll see in the mirror is a stunning, consistent row of flawless pearly whites!
Too Much Gum
Do you feel like your teeth look too short somehow? Or that your smile just doesn’t have as much gleamy surface area as others’? The issue might not be the teeth themselves, but your gums! A high gumline can make your pearly whites a little pinker than you’d prefer. Gum sculpting can take care of this, and thanks to technological advances, the treatment is quicker and more comfortable than ever.
Minor but Annoying Blemishes
Maybe you’re dissatisfied in a sort of unique way. There are cracks, chips, or deep stains that bother you, but they’re rather small. You’re not sure they warrant a full-blown makeover. Don’t lose heart! Tooth bonding can smooth over these annoyances with minimal fuss. Your dentist will mix a tooth-colored resin, sculpt the material over your flaws, and – that’s it. It’ll be like those blemishes were never there.
Ask Your Dentist for Guidance
Believe it or not, this is a short list compared to the full range of services cosmetic dentistry can offer. In fact, your dentist can package several treatments together in what’s known as a smile makeover. With so many options to choose from and so many ways to go about receiving your dream smile, it’s important to ask your dentist for guidance. They can account for the uniqueness of your situation and will help you build a treatment plan that will set you up for success!
About the Practice
Drs. Matt Mauck and Andrew Ricci love being able to provide patients with quality dental cosmetics so they can enjoy enhanced smiles – and enhanced confidence. With their advanced training and friendly natures, you can be assured that your treatment experience and results will be positive! To contact their office, call 303-745-1400.