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Put That Thing Back Where It Came From – 5 Objects That Shouldn’t Go in Your Mouth

January 6, 2025

Filed under: UncategorizedMatt Mauck @ 9:49 pm
Woman opening a bottle with her teeth

If you brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once per day, you’re in a good position to avoid gum disease and cavities. But if you chomp down on certain objects, you could still end up with a dental emergency on your hands. Learn what not to do and put that thing back where it came from – or you just might regret it!

1.     Bottle Caps

Bottle caps – doesn’t matter whether their metal or plastic – are a surefire way to break your teeth. Sure, maybe nothing happens the first or second time you open a bottle with your pearly whites, but each attempt increases your risk for dental damage. Stop wearing down your poor teeth and use a real bottle-opener!

2.     Fingernails

They might not feel very tough when they’re in your mouth, but fingernails are one of the hardest substances in the human body. They’re certainly not meant to be chewed, and doing so can grind down your natural enamel. If nail-biting is a bad habit you’re struggling to break, it might be time to wrap your fingers in bandages, soak them in hot sauce, or get creative.

3.     Toothbrushes That Aren’t Yours

Be honest – how many times have you gone over to a friend’s house only to realize you forgot your toothbrush? As gross as it is to clean your teeth with your grimy finger, it might be worse to borrow someone else’s toothbrush. Those bristles are full of your friend’s oral bacteria, something you really don’t want to share!

4.     Keys

Maybe it’s a nervous habit, or maybe your hands are full of groceries. Either way, put that thing back where it came from! Besides being a hard and metallic object that can cause dental chips and cracks, keys are usually stored where? In your pockets or your purse. Whatever gross thing was in there is now in your mouth. Not a good combination, to be sure.

5.     Parking Vouchers

In a similar vein, think about where a parking voucher might have been. Even if it gets spat out of a machine, who knows when the inside of that thing was last cleaned. Plus, the paper used for parking vouchers is often thermal, which is a bad chemical cocktail for your mouth. Just simply put it on your dashboard while you park instead of holding onto it with your teeth!

Food isn’t the only substance that can carry harmful bacteria. Everyday objects can also harbor gross ickiness that can contribute to oral conditions, and biting down on hard substances is likely to break your pearly whites. Avoid a trip to the emergency dentist’s by simply avoiding putting objects like these five into your mouth!

About the Practice

Dr. Matt Mauck and Andrew Ricci are accomplished dentists who continuously sharpen their skills with advanced training courses. They’re both proficient in treating complex and emergency dental cases, so if you broke your tooth on a bottle cap, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mauck and Dr. Ricci’s office at 303-745-1400. And don’t worry, they’ve seen it all – you can rest assured that your treatment will be judgement-free!

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