Technological advancements in dentistry over the last few decades have made it possible to preserve your natural teeth for longer than ever before. Despite these improvements, tooth loss is still a prevalent issue for many Americans. In fact, it is estimated that 120 million adults are missing at least one tooth while another 35 million are suffering from complete tooth loss. If you are among that group, know that our team at Mauck & Ricci, DDS is here to fill the spaces with dentures in Aurora, CO. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how dentures can help you regain a complete, beautiful smile!
Dentures are suitable for the vast majority of adults who are facing significant tooth loss. Their customizable nature means that a denture can be made to fit the unique contours of virtually anyone’s smile. In most cases, the only thing that could disqualify you from receiving dentures would be poor gum health. Fortunately, conditions like gum disease can be addressed to make you eligible for dentures. At your consultation, your dentist in Aurora will examine your smile and come up with a treatment plan designed to give your new pearly whites the healthy foundation they need.
Tooth loss can happen for any number of reasons—the main ones involving gum disease, decay, and physical trauma. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, some of the negative effects of missing teeth include difficulty speaking and eating, facial sagging, jawbone deterioration, and reduced self-confidence.
With dentures, you’ll be able to resolve many of the above complications. Not only will your prosthetics serve as placeholders for any remaining teeth, but you also won’t have as many anxieties about your speech, chewing, and appearance.
In most cases, patients who are struggling with any degree of tooth loss may be eligible for dentures. You’ll also need to be committed to practicing great oral hygiene as well as maintaining your prosthetics in the long run. This means you’ll need to brush and rinse them every day while also keeping your mouth and gums clean so that you avoid issues like decay and gum disease.
Of course, our team will need to address any underlying complications you might have before moving forward with creating your dentures. Once we’ve resolved any problems like periodontal disease or infection, we can begin your treatment. Dentures are also more affordable compared to other tooth replacements, making them a more convenient option for renewing your smile when working with a budget.
Not every patient will be eligible to receive dentures. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll be left without any alternative solutions. Our team can provide you with some effective and lifelike restorations that can also help you rebuild missing pearly whites. These include:
Although dentures have a bad reputation for looking and feeling fake, recent innovations in dentistry now allow them to look more realistic while also offering a secure fit. No matter which of the three types of dentures you receive, rest assured that your prosthetic will be comfortable, reliable, and lifelike.
If you are missing several teeth, you can fill the empty spaces with a partial. This removable oral appliance is personalized to meet your exact needs. A base is made from an acrylic material that will match the shade of your gum tissue. It will hold custom-made prosthetic teeth that will meet the size, shape, and color you need to look natural. To hold it in place, a metal framework and clasps are used to attach the partial to your remaining teeth.
If you are missing all your teeth on the top or bottom arch, then a full denture may be right for you. Using impressions of your mouth, a gum-colored base is created, which will feature custom-made prosthetic teeth. It is then held in place using suction or an adhesive. Now, you will be able to chew, speak, and smile with ease.
If you would like to benefit from added security and stability, then implant dentures may interest you. A small number of dental implant posts can be inserted surgically into the jawbone to secure a full or partial denture in place. With implant dentures, you can enjoy a solution that lasts longer, lets you chew a wider variety of food, and eliminates the slippage that sometimes occurs with traditional dentures.
Dentures are customized to fit each patient, so this involves a multi-step process. Every smile is unique, so it is important to take the time to ensure that your replacement teeth perfectly suit you. Read on to learn more about what dentures are made from as well as how they are custom crafted just for you.
Dentures are made up of two different parts – the base, and the replacement teeth. Here is what each of these parts consists of:
Here is the step-by-step process for the creation of your dentures:
It isn’t uncommon for patients to experience some soreness when they first get their new dentures, but this isn’t something to worry about. It is normal and temporary. With a little bit of time, your mouth will adjust to your new prosthesis, and your dentures will begin to feel just like your natural teeth. Just remember to stick to softer foods and exercise your facial muscles. If discomfort persists or you have concerns about your replacement teeth, don’t hesitate to reach out so we can help!
When you’re visibly missing teeth, it can take a serious toll on your mental health. Dentures let you smile with confidence again, especially knowing that each prosthetic is fine-tuned to complement your facial features and mimic your original teeth in every way.
Of course, renewed self-esteem is far from the only benefit of dentures. Here are some of the other advantages you can look forward to:
If you’re ready to regain a complete, beautiful smile with custom-made dentures in Aurora, then it’s time to come visit us for a consultation! During this initial appointment, we’ll discuss your goals for your smile, evaluate your oral health, and go over your denture options. This is also when we’ll be able to review your personalized cost estimate as well as your payment options. Read on to learn more about the cost of dentures in Aurora!
How much will it cost to get dentures? There isn’t a set price for dentures because there are several big factors that will influence the final cost of treatment. Fortunately, we’ll be able to evaluate all these variables during your consultation in order to give you an estimate of how much you can expect to pay in the end. The largest factors we’ll be looking for are:
In short, yes, implant dentures are initially more expensive than traditional dentures. However, many patients enthusiastically agree that the extra cost is well worth the incredible benefits. Implant dentures are anchored directly into the jawbone, so they’ll never slip out of place. In addition to this improved confidence in your smile, you’ll also be able to eat all your foods once again and preserve your jawbone, which will in turn help you avoid future tooth loss and oral health issues.
Plus, implant dentures often become the more cost-effective option over time. Traditional dentures need to be realigned and replaced every several years. However, implant dentures last a lifetime for most patients. Not only is this more convenient, but it can save you thousands of dollars in replacements alone.
The details of every dental insurance policy are slightly different, so it’s important to review the specifics of your plan to fully understand your coverage. However, dentures are typically classified as a “major procedure or restoration” which often earns them 50% coverage. Our knowledgeable team would be happy to review the details of your dental insurance to ensure your benefits are being maximized.
Are you looking for a cost-effective and realistic-looking tooth replacement solution? Dentures in Aurora can restore the function and aesthetic of your smile by replacing several or all of your missing teeth on a single arch. For your convenience, we’ve answered some common questions we receive about full and partial dentures from our patients below.
The standard process of getting full or partial dentures in Aurora typically takes place over the course of a few weeks and anywhere from three to five appointments. Our goal is to make sure that your replacement teeth fit precisely, which is why we may request more than one fitting appointment. The visits typically include the following parts of the process:
Every patient who gets dentures in Aurora goes through an adjustment period that can last about a month. At first, they may feel odd and incredibly large in your mouth because you may not be used to having your cheeks filled out. This can cause you to produce more saliva or make it difficult to eat and speak. However, all of these side effects will go away as your cheek muscles begin to get stronger and you become accustomed to the way they feel and function. Some patients may also experience sores initially, but these are completely normal, so it’s important to not panic. If you continue to have difficulty using your dentures or they don’t seem to comfortably fit your mouth, don’t hesitate to contact our office.
Some people find that using denture adhesive can provide them with additional support and stability, especially for lower dentures. However, it’s important to keep in mind that older dentures may be ill-fitting, which can’t be solved with adhesive. In this case, it’s important to visit your dentist in Aurora so we can replace, repair, or readjust your restoration.
Cleaning your dentures can extend their lifespan and ensure that they continue looking like new. If possible, try to clean them after each meal. It’s important to use non-abrasive materials such as a soft denture brush and denture cleaner. It’s also important to soak your dentures overnight to sanitize them and make sure they don’t warp. Never use regular toothpaste on them or clean them in scalding hot water.
When you first get your new full dentures in Aurora, it may take some practice to pronounce certain words and sounds. Here are some good tips to help you adjust quickly:
If you continue to have problems, don’t hesitate to contact our office so we can ensure that they’re fitted correctly.